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Pentagram Attack

Unlocked after reaching Level 87

Summon evil demons to ruin your enemies.


W Pentagram Icon
Shoots a red flame that summons a pentagram. When it is summoned, the pentagram turns while a red ball traces the lines of the pentagram and makes explosions at each corner. Each explosion does 20 damage each. The pentagram disappears when then red ball traces the entire pentagram.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 20 (10 times)
Projectiles 1
Explosion Radius 30
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements Level 87


Works the same as the first tier, but after the ball completes its cycle the whole pentagram explodes instead of imploding, dealing 15 damage on its large explosion radius.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 20*10(Ball) 15 (Pentagram)
Projectiles 1
Explosion Radius 30 (Ball) 55 (Pentagram)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 6,900 XP

Tips & Trivia[ | ]

Proper Pentagram Placement

Proper pentagram/pentaslam positioning against a single target for maximum damage.

  • Pentagram is most effective against a single target when landed to the bottom left of an enemy tank.
  • if the enemy tank is on the bottom of the map, don't shoot them directly with it. The Pentagram will hit around it, but not the enemy tank itself, which would ruin the attack.