ShellShock Live Wiki
BreakerMania Attack

Unlocked after reaching Level 83

When you want to take breaking things to a whole new level.


W BreakerMadness Icon
BreakerMadness is similar to BreakerChain but instead it continues on to break into 32 breakers instead of 8. Aesthetically the projectiles grow larger and bounce higher with each break. It also affects a noticeably smaller area than BreakerChain and destroys a lot more terrain with the sheer amount of projectiles created in the small area of effect.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 6
Projectiles 2>4>8>16>32
Explosion Radius 32*8(20 PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements Level 83


Adds another set of breaking to BreakerMadness, so it breaks further into 64 projectiles.
Weapon Attributes
Weapon Type Impact Effect
Damage per Projectile 4
Projectiles 2>4>8>16>32>64
Explosion Radius 64*8(20PU)
Terrain Damage Yes
Self Damage Yes
Requirements 5,700 XP